How to Encourage Speech and Language Development in Young Children

Language is universal. That is why a child learns from what they are introduced. As a parent, you want to do anything to help your kid and encourage their language skills. Helping your child with language development helps them achieve their communication milestones effectively. However, the question is, how can you help them improve their language skills? There are certain things you can do every day to help a child develop language and speech. Here is what to do.

How to Help Babies with Language Development

Even if you might not understand your baby well, the little sound they make can tell you what they want to say. That cute cooing is a way of communicating. Even though they are small, the sounds are the start of your child’s language development. Here are ways to help your baby with language development.

Sing or Play Music Often

A musical environment has a significant impact on an infant’s development. Whether singing baby songs or nursery rhymes, your baby has a good chance of developing language. So, sign to your baby or play soft music often. You can also dance along the music to make it more enjoyable.

Include Gestures When Talking to the Baby

Before a baby begins to form words, he or she recognizes changes in volume, pitch or other concepts of communication. They begin to understand things around them, mostly by seeing and observing. For instance, a baby knows the connection between crying and someone coming to pick them. In short, a baby begins vocals by first understanding their needs. Your baby will take note of everything you do and try to make meaning out of it. Therefore, when talking to your baby, always use gestures and related sounds.

How to Help Toddlers with Language Development

Communication begins to change once the baby becomes a toddler. At about 18 months, a baby can say 10 to 50 different words. They can also follow simple directions or use a two-word phrase to communicate. Here is how to help your toddler with language development.

Read to Them Frequently

There is a strong relationship between language development and reading. Reading to your toddler helps them recognize words and letters as their vocabulary expands. Many of their books encourage imagination and use of words. They are also descriptive in a way normal conversations are not.


Narrating to your toddler also plays a great role in their language development. For instance, you can talk about what you are doing. Something like, “I’m tying your shoes.” You can also talk about what they are doing. For instance you can say,” You are feeding puppy” These ways of narrating something helps the child turn words into phrases which eventually become sentences.

How to Help Pre-School and Beyond Kids with Language Skills

At this age, your kid can say most of the things and can communicate in a clear way. However, continued support is encouraged to improve their skills. Here is what you can do to help.

Avoid Correction or Criticism

Every child has a learning curve when it comes to language development. If the child is off with their pronunciation or tenses, avoid criticizing or correcting them. They may not interpolate the feedback well and might be unwilling to try again. If they are wrong, repeat the sentence in the right way without telling them they are wrong.

Ask Open-Ended Questions

Open-ended questions allows your child to explain something further, giving room for practice. Sometimes a child will even create a whole different conversation with an open-ended question. So, avoid the yes or no type of questions.

Use Dramatic Play

Lastly, playing pretend helps with imagination and enhances the kid’s language skills. Encourage your kid to crate plots, characters or emotions with dramatic play. It will help boost their vocabulary.

In Conclusion, language development is more than talking. It means all the ways your kid understands and communicates. Therefore, consider these ideas to help your child achieve this milestone with ease.
